Monday, December 24, 2012
what follows from here shall be a long overdue post about the first semester. it is actually nearly three weeks since the end of school for me, thanks to the relatively early end of my exams.
hm on second thoughts, holidays first haha. it only just occurred to me today that it has been nearly three weeks of holidays. honestly it feels shorter than that. much much shorter! I wouldn't really say time has been flying haha. it might be more accurate to say that time just disappeared haha. these days, I find myself struggling to recall what day and date it is. as of today, it is 18 December, which makes the long-awaited for Christmas just a mere week away.
already?! Christmas is like some event that everyone looks forward to before the current Christmas even ends! a whole 365-day wait and now it's so close. it feels rather surreal when I think about it. but truth be told, if I don't think about it then there really isn't much to feel. Christmas spirit? inexplicably missing. despite the lights and decorations, the trees and talk about Christmas, it feels too commercialised and plastic, it is empty. when young, Christmas was this exciting time of elevated happiness, notions of "magic" and what not. now it's more like a hollow shell, with its essence long gone. ah well.
but then again, that wasn't really what Christmas is all about. Christmas is a celebration of Christ's Advent - the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
just a week ago, by God's grace I attended the singapore students bible conference and learnt an incredible amount about this Christian faith of mine. wow God's love is really tremendously amazing when one think about it. while still sinners, so deeply entrenched in our wretchedness, oblivious to the error of our ways, God decided to save us. on one level, it is already mind-blowing that God, who abhors sin (what we are guilty of), is wiling to initiate a saving act to rescue us. however when one recognises that this saving act requires God to sacrifice His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, it only makes it all the more incredible. not many of us would take the initiative to go and help out our enemy, even if it doesn't cost us much, much less pay a hefty (perhaps even exorbitant) price. God did. all this before we even showed any signs of remorse and repentance, if at all. and that is why when compared to the cross of Jesus Christ, where God's love was displayed, everything else pales in comparison.
that was my greatest takeaway anyway.
now back to the semester long gone.
thirteen weeks flew by. include the recess and reading weeks, as well as the one week of exams, and it is one of the shortest 16 weeks in memory. anyway, it has been rather rewarding! on hindsight, I really love most of the modules I took. and to think that I had next to no idea what I was doing when bidding for modules. I only cared about my timetable and whether I had free days or not. thankfully, things worked out haha except for perhaps the business breadth. while that wasn't terrible per se, it certainly wasn't as enjoyable as the other four modules.
~~~ the above was written on 18 December, Tuesday ~~~
~~~ it shall be continued now, on 24 December, Monday ~~~
nothing much to say now, except it's Christmas Eve!!
one more day to Christmas!
on a side note, two more days till release of results. it's going to be interesting haha
whimsical nonsense @ 5:43 PM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country