Thursday, September 06, 2012
so it hasn't been easy.
poor time management (as usual) is wrecking my life.
inertia is not helping.
optimism says it's all going to be fine in the end.
if I was on a boat, then it'd be apt to say my boat was severely rocked yesterday. a sudden onset of identity crisis.
am I really who they say I am?
every time I go down, I'm faced with the question "is this really all worth it?"
I keep telling myself, well, depends on what you're doing it for.
I'd reply, oh alright if that is the case, then I guess it is.
but it doesn't make things any easier to accept.
reminded once again of this lack of talent in something I find somewhat enjoyable.
how cruel and ironic.
time to do something about it.
I guess.
whimsical nonsense @ 1:28 AM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country