Sunday, February 26, 2012
argh I don't know what to think.
or how to think.
bit by bit, I'm discovering that I don't really like to deal with uncertainty. perhaps that is the reason why I keep asking questions, further clarifying things. why I try to be precise (although I admit I am not successful most times). right now there is just too much uncertainty.
it is like how a drama would unfold. will he? will he not? how about her? what is she going to do about it? will the villain decide to be gracious? will he turn over a new leaf?
but there is no fast forward to the last episode. nor any advantage that an audience have (like dramatic irony).
ah well. life is the best drama I suppose.
whimsical nonsense @ 3:55 PM
Saturday, February 25, 2012
there has been too many "blank" spaces lately.
is it possible to just coast through the next two months? without much of a thought?
has that been what I have been doing all along?
when faced with the end of something, one usually feels compelled to look back, and reflect. perhaps it might be a little premature, but with just under two months left to go, I'm beginning to do exactly that.
who, what, when, where, why, how.
the guiding questions to just about everything in life.
time to ponder. mull it over. and see just exactly where this 2-year journey has brought me to, and what it has made me become.
for better, or worse. I know I have been changed
for good.
whimsical nonsense @ 4:51 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
this is going to be a challenge, but with confidence and careful thought put into it, it can be done.
not quite sure why but it is just one of those moments where everything starts to take on a grey hue. overcast, if you may.
alright that wasn't true. the suspicion is there. and it has absolutely nothing to do with valentines day. just saying.
just so sick of it all. sick and tired of always being placed in the "less-desirable" place. they say patience is a virtue and that good things are worth the wait, but then the question that remains is, for how long?
don't really want to wait any more. guess there isn't a choice though. ah well.
whimsical nonsense @ 7:09 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2012
in one of those "I don't know what I am doing" moods.
finally, the time of "training" is over. it is time to do things for real.
the only downside is any learning is now on the job.
everything feels so flat.
low. and flat.
whimsical nonsense @ 11:43 AM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country