Monday, October 17, 2011
there is something eating away
at me.
it is quite a painless process actually.
i'm just afraid there isn't enough of me to go around.
the lion king was really good though!
whimsical nonsense @ 7:51 PM
Sunday, October 09, 2011
This is ridiculous. There are so many things I feel like posting up here on this space, so that in days to come, I may be able to look back and know. When I finally do make my way here, my mind goes blank. almost every single time.
I shall resort to recounting the events of the week. or the past few weeks.
That should not really pose much of a problem I suppose, considering the events of the week.
It has been an extremely long week. A journey fraught with difficulties, both expected and unexpected. There was the taking up of an appointment which requires much finesse and skill to be able to delicately balance self-interest and self-preservation (of sorts). I never quite managed to find the balance I was seeking.
There was the seemingly ridiculous amount of odd jobs that we had to do. If they had any relevance to what we were doing, it may not seem like such a waste of time. But it did.
I have lost my train of thought. Too distracted.
whimsical nonsense @ 11:37 PM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country