Sunday, May 22, 2011
there was so much I wanted to say
so much that I felt like I needed to let out.
but I am in no mood to do so right now.
so much of me feels washed away
to whoever knows where. just some place far far away.
in slightly more than 24 hours, I'll be in some place "far far away".
time to be prepared.
no one told me how dangerous pride could be.
or perhaps they did. my pride merely stood in the way of me listening.
whimsical nonsense @ 12:56 AM
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
my legs are itching for a run.
my lungs are aching for the cool night air. (but it will settle for the day's air)
my heart longs to work.
it has been so long since the last yearning for a run.
but it's late. too late.
it is time to forget it all, for
the curtain has come down.
whimsical nonsense @ 3:05 AM
just to list it out, so that one day I can refer to it. and in the empty hope that it will induce me to act upon them. the following are the things I would like to start/finish (for those that I have already started on)
- paint my room
- finish the jigsaw puzzle
- read the girl who played with fire
- read that book I picked up at booksactually last year but whose title escapes me at the moment
- get my room in order
- get my life in order
the problem with me during the limited hours of book out time is I spend most of it slouched on the couch, watching stuff (sometimes random) on the tv and allowing the fats to build up.
the productivity meter is going negative.
I miss the night. the coolness that comes with it.
I miss the memories associated with the night.
there are so many things that I knew happened, yet they are so far back in the past that they appear like figments of my imagination.
did I merely dream my entire past?
there is so much disconnection with it that I am no longer sure if I'm 20 years old or a robot machine built to resemble a 20 year old but activated only on 7 march 2011.
whimsical nonsense @ 2:51 AM
Sunday, May 15, 2011
So much has happened, so little time to fully process it and internalize everything.
GE 2011. The news of Osama's death.
just two of the events I would like to know more about, read up on and all. alas my brain is dead and I can't go on any more.
There are so many things in this world that it would be insane to even attempt to understand it all. As such, most of us decides to focus our attention on a much narrower spectrum of things.
But, where's the fun in that?
whimsical nonsense @ 1:03 AM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country