Saturday, April 23, 2011
despite being out, something feels missing.
not used to this. and on a separate note, it has not been ideal preparation for tuesday's test of will and strength. oh well.
whimsical nonsense @ 11:51 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2011
First and foremost, I only have gratitude for this extended period to recall what life is like of the island. It is only to be expected that it be filled with sunshine, smiles, laughter and all things happy. expectations can be dangerous.
It has truly been a good break, and it matters not whether it was well-deserved or not. Finally, there is more than mere minutes, tired bodies and sleepy minds to think, mull and reflect. but what good is thinking if it leads to inaction.
What existed as intangible thoughts floating through my dreamosphere has thankfully been penned down, at least to a certain extent. It excites me somewhat as I think about what this could possibly become, if only I manage to dig deep and find the perseverance within to carry it on to the end.
While certain things have begun to form and take shape this weekend, there are a few things that have finally come to a close. Congratulations to those peers and friends of mine who have come through an arduous journey of 9 months to finally taste the satisfaction and contentment of reaching the goal you've been striving so hard for. I only have best wishes as you embark on the new path that awaits you. Congratulations should go to those who have finished another journey of their own. The sense of happiness is the same even if the journey was a much shorter 9 weeks and likewise, as you go through your next phase I hope it will prove to be as fulfilling and enriching as it could possibly be.
As Harvey "Two-Face" Dent would like to put it, there is always two sides to a coin. There was one particularly poignant moment yesterday, when what was not meant to be became reality. It was stupidity on my part, for lacking the foresight. It was sheer ignorance on the other party's part, not to mention mischief coupled with a lack of basic courtesy. It irks me that what was a prized trophy had to be brought down in such a shameful and derogatory manner. What makes matters worse is the presence of those who are unable to empathize (at all) and yet have the audacity to comment with a know-it-all tone.
As I express sadness and regret over the misdeed of someone, I would like to admit my guilt as well. My carelessness has resulted in irreparable damage on someone else's possession.
Yet with these two cases, I can only remind myself of the linear nature of time. It matters not what you do and think, time simply moves on. Perhaps it is time for me to do the same.
whimsical nonsense @ 3:36 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2011
One of the questions that I have been (somewhat) mulling over from time to time.
Can pre-determination and freewill co-exist in a secular universe?
Just some feeble attempts to delude myself into thinking I'm still capable of intellectual thought. With every day that passes by, I find it more and more difficult to believe in such a delusion.
Caught between two different spheres. I find satisfaction in both. There is interest within me for both. While I thrive in neither, I can take comfort in my almost-assured survival in both spheres as well.
I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons here, a simple cost benefit analysis. I find myself well and truly stuck, sitting on the fence. This straddling cannot go on forever and I dread the day when a forced decision has to be made.
whimsical nonsense @ 12:39 AM
indifference. apathy. complacency.
I was fortunate to be able to come out so early. practically unheard of.
the thing about good fortune is that it is extremely difficult to repay it.
whimsical nonsense @ 12:26 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2011
I was wrong.
about almost everything.
Right now, I feel exactly like how World Spins Madly On, by The Weepies, puts it.
bit by bit, things are failing.
whimsical nonsense @ 1:58 AM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country