Tuesday, October 31, 2006
it slipped, through those
butter fingers of mine.
towards the ground it,
fell, and sliced.
flakes of skin drift away
a fountain of blood spurts
out, causing me to go
the cut is small
yet the wound goes deep
the pain surprisingly
great for a cut so small.
first day only
im ready for anything!
bring it on!!!
lol im kidding
eeeyer holiday homework
whimsical nonsense @ 9:41 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
meth cup yesterday.
no comments.
nothing much to say.
the start of the holidays
i mean..yay?
for the holidays, can it really be called holidays?
yes there may be no more school
lessons i mean
but i still go back to school
for meetings...trainings...parades
not that i really mind any of them
but too much of it really
seems more of a chore
rather than an enjoyment
i look back
in the great archive of memories
sweeping through drawers
jammed with folders and files
flipping through the times
when almost every day
i could sleep in
waking up and realising half of the world moved on
in their lives
without me
and not that i mind
for i continued my own leisurely
at a relaxing pace
but they remain what it is
a memory
now holidays are no longer about sleeping in
and relaxing
but more of like
waking up slightly later than sch days
but still early
and go out
to do work
not really academic work
could be prefects...debate...bb
or even real work..like IBA (work attachment)
o well cant complain much longer
for i have to leave the com
im bored
whimsical nonsense @ 11:25 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
today is wednesday.
tomorrow is thursday.
the day after tomorrow is a very nice movie,
and it is also friday.
today is the present.
tomorrow is the future
and the last day of school.
the last official day of school for the year 2006.
thinking about it makes me reflect back
and go wow at how the year is gone.
the whole year, i have been looking forward to this day
it has become that day, and i cant believe its the day ive waited months for.
it just doesnt seem all that special and all
well it got to be right?
i shall make it one then.
dont know how to though.
had a class party within class today
with 3.10
12 boxes of pizza
lots of chips
chocolate chip cookies
about 15 1.5 litre bottles of soft drinks
some balloons? haha
the balloons were blown up by kevin wong, kevin low, and some other ppl
like me!
and guess what?
isaac, the rugger in the class, is scared of balloons!
haha its quite amusing, how he would shy away from any balloons that come near him
for fear of the bursting
really interesting.
and after a while that fear somehow manage to spread around
like when dan yee, rene, adwyn and i were in front of the class
at the speakers with bryans ipod..choosing songs
and then some of the ppl playing like balloon volleyball...
and when it comes near us me and dan yee will like get a bit..wary
earlier while eating...ppl walking around eating and all
balloons would burst..
and isaac would be like oi! stop bursting the balloons!
and maybe a few expletives would come out?
that was for the first balloon..and like later on subsequent bursting noises
would be greeted with voices of disapproval from others
cuz it was quite irritating
and well if you're eating..a sudden burst of sound could choke you
or give you a heart attack
gd thing my heart was not so weak..if not i would have heart attacked on the spot
and i even rmb that when we were in the front
joshua rene was like trying to throw this balloon away
and it burst right in front of me
like omg
got a shock for like 1 sec?
and that happened twice!!!
no wonder i got a bit scared towards the end
still? it was very fun
and it was mr ferdi quek's birthday!
how cool.
last day of sch tmr
whimsical nonsense @ 11:15 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
ooo went out today with zhang, kevin wong, bryan, jason and isaac
though he only came for the movie...and left soon after that...how sad
while on the platform at lakeside mrt, one could see many malay families
all decked out in what appears to me as their traditional wear?
im not too sure, but its definitely something malays wear.
they all looked so pretty (not as in girl kind of pretty, more of hm, good looking?)
it was easy to spot out the families, as they had coordinated their clothes through colours
everyone wearing red, green, silver
a great multitude indeed
the designs, patterns on them, not as old as antique, more contemporary, modern
and yet, it is evident that roots are not forgotten...
very interesting to me
indeed how interesting.
went to watch the prestige...
2nd movie in 2 days.
yesterday watched singapore dreaming at vivo city...
which is like some mgs teachers screening..
so my mom bought tickets...
and the director was there...the talking cock guy i heard..some lawyer
and one of the actors and one of the actresses
the actor was Richard...the guy who acted in i not stupid (the first one) as the terry's father
the bak kwa king guy...
haha so cool. seeing a mediacorp artiste so close...
managed to ask the director some quetions...
and that was my first movie in 479 years...
omg like seriously la...
i didnt watch pirates, i didnt watch those other like big movies...
o well.
got to watch the prestige.
so we met at somerset mrt...
went to walk around trying to find a place for lunch...
went all the way up..then like aiyah buy the tickets first
then went down and like after a while go food court
finish eating, go up, play ezone a while
wait for isaac..whom we couldnt contact
cuz he lost his phone..then call his old phone which he was using no response
always his voice mail thing
then go up late already...
haha so missed the beginning
o well.
very interesting show...intriguing
disturbing too
the whole thing about obsession...
trying to get the better of each other,
outwit, outlast and outplay each other
new tricks, that baffle the other
a rivalry started by a single death
a rivalry that ended with multiple casualties
people die
over different issues, directly and indirectly linked to that burning rivalry
people concerning them suffer
all because of that rivalry
which thrives on secrets.
secrets they would die for
just to keep it well, secret.
unknown to them, keeping these secrets secret caused those around to die.
death all around. and wonder at the magic. dark a twisted tale
then it all ended. the end
that was some bad review thingy...
but its these kind of movies/plot that seems to appeal to me...ooo
they should let us study the prestige (the movie) or book also...i shouldnt mind
like for language arts? but maybe not for exam...like for fun.
then scrap exams...
so much for having more freedom in the curriculum to learn new things in the ip
a pack of truths and lies
half of each.
its getting quite boring...
i need something to occupy me
like a good book
and i really hope for one. although im not a reader...i still like a good book
like split second..by david baldachi (i think thats his name..)
or centaur aisle
o man i cant rmb so many things...
on the mrt rides, the one to somerset and the one home
like suddenly things to ponder...
simple statements...that makes me wonder
all gone.
i like thinking...those things that really make u think
consciously...go into the realm of the unknown
its cool. i guess
but as dan would put it..im dry.
whimsical nonsense @ 9:44 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
whee i got high scores on orisinal
this game website
im sorry that i dun wow or dota or cs or whatever...
not really me
so i stick to young innocent games like these...
but i think it'll be gone by now...
i feel super duper slack!
not doing anything at all...
today go recce...
at changi...
saw this big building up on a hill..
or rather lenard saw it
decided to go up
so lenard, natalie and i went up the stairs...
to the building...
unknown to lenard (but known to me)...was what the building was
until he went in...
which was quite scary
cuz it was totally deserted..up on a hill...
not a single window is in place...either gone or broken
the glass panes...those like old ones...some there some not...
very dust...
the floor covered with debris
walked in...
empty, quiet hallways
rooms, empty save for some rubbish..
an occasionally chair?
cupboards that are already part of the wall kind of thing?
going through the doors..into smaller rooms...some with taps and stuff
the switches dont work anymore..nor does the taps
after exploring a bit...we decided to go up the stairs...
lenard went first..with nat holding on to his shirt cuz she was scared..haha
and i! with the digi cam went last...
halfway up the first flight and lenard cut himself...
there were ceramic pieces on the floor...or something like that
and wearing slippers..he well.had an accident.
we continued up...
where it was more of wards...not really rooms
cuz they were bigger...
the fans were still...
the large empty rooms...
floor filled with dust...wooden sticks thingy...
remnants of something
i guess.
after exploring quite a bit...
seeing some blood stains...
lifts stuck and all
we went out...
as in like out of the building into the road around it...
so we walked round it...next to the walls and stuff...
and i rmb at one point of time..
all of us heard a door close
it was quite scary.
and we were like wait..u all heard a door close right?
and were like is someone here?
then later uncle daniel and inez and elsa joined us..
so we showed him the area...
and walked around..and this time explored the other side of the building...
and the third levels
and met with an open lift...
standing open there for years probably
since theres no electricity at all for it to move
i took a video..or rather 2 videos...of walking through it..for the fun of it
took a few pictures...
and well...
as we left..since we needed to go
i went back up the hill..this time not with the stairs
so it was quite steep...
and took a few last shots...
as i started to go down..i heard another door slam/close
i couldnt be sure
for no one else heard it..they were all too low to hear anything i guess
interesting eh?
shall put some pics another time...
too lazy to upload.
the rainbow pictures i took that time...when it was outside my house..
also stuck in the camera...haha
im slack.
wanna be slacker?
nah cant be anymore slacker.
gotta work hard..
im sorta high...
very very high
never had such a slack day in a LOONG time!
whimsical nonsense @ 10:08 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
whee got back results
im quite happy i guess?
better than the mid years...
all results in brackets are after mod...
lang arts - 68%
chinese - 70%
chemistry - 75% (82%)
physics - 54% (64%)
core math - 78% (83%)
add math - 58% (63%)
geography -62% (67%)
ihs - 91%
im happy with chemistry and very happy with ihs.
thought i would fail chem, but whee i passed! and did not too bad too.
thank God.
although i had a lots of 60+s...which is like the downside of the results on a whole..
i think its ok la...
disappointed in geog..
o well...at least geog improved from the mid year 45..
lang arts improved from the mid year 40
add math improved from the 42 (47 after mod)
and core math improved from the 70
not sure about physics...
ihs improved from the mid year 80
chinese i think improve too
physics dunno.
my average is 73.3something%
i think commendable for a sam chan like me...
but then my points thing very disappointing
7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5
thats 4 5s, very sad. would have been happier with more 6s
and maybe 7s?
whee i love my ihs
so cool.
now gotta prepare for meth cup and interview with Dr. Ong tmr...
ooo scary.
so many things going on
but i enjoy all these better than exams i think
whimsical nonsense @ 10:10 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
took this off rachel's blog
9 currents:
Current Mood: normal, does tired count?
Current Taste: no particular taste?
Current Clothes: home clothes, ooo comfy...
Current Desktop: some sunset i think..nice pic (:
Current Toenail Colour: the normal one?
Current Time: 9.45pm
Current Surrounding: parents room (where the com is situated) and 2 fans!
Current Annoyances: getting results tmr, discomfort in my stomach, the slight fever i have?
Current Thoughts: i dowan to fall sick..and get this pain in my stomach out
8 firsts:
First Best Friend: liu yizhe (i think)
First Performance: in kindergarten i should think...
First movie : haha cant rmb...
First Piercing: nopes, no piercing!
First Lie: dunno...really
First music: that i dont know too...
First Car: some toy car i guess...haha
7 Lasts:
Last Drink: water (if that doesnt count then some honey fig thing i guess)
Last Car Ride: to sch this morning
Last Embarrasing moment: dunno. today during council speech? maybe..maybe not
Last movie Seen: the last full movie i dunno. if u count just a bit then LOTR ROTK?
Last Phone call: elias ding
Last CD played: pirates of the carribean the curse of the black pearl soundtrack, last night! totally rocks (:
6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: nopes! never even dated!
Have You Ever Broken The Law: probably
Have You Ever Been Arested: guess not
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: nah...nothing to show, so what for show?
Have You Ever Been On TV: hm, maybe, maybe not. i dunno
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didnt Know: not that i can recall of
5 Things You're Wearing:
1. clothes
2. specs
3. nothing else?
4. yeah really nothing else, im quite bare
5. does the pants in a relationship count? (har har im kidding btw)
4 Things You've Done Today:
1. gave my council speech ><
2.go to sch
3.go on the computer
4.breathe, eat whatever. yeps
3 Things You Can Hear Right Now:
1. tonghua - guangliang
2. one of my sisters playing the piano downstairs...
3. the nice soft whurring noise of the 2 fans...
2 Things You You Can't Live Without:
1. God (my God, the one i believe in,) [christian]
2. my family and friends
1 Thing You Do When You're Bored:
1. sleep
results are out tomorrow!
and im running a slight fever...nooo
i hardly ever fall sick, and of all times it has to be now.
must go sleep early
and pray
hope can do well academically wise.
and in other aspects.
gotta give it my all!
Lord help me.
whimsical nonsense @ 10:04 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
the results are going to be out on thursday.
things moving at a whirlwind pace
debate, bb, prefects,
all raring to go, when they were suppressed by the exams
freedom is good! they say
but my body is getting tired
cant complain
at least it beats staring at books.
gotta pull through
time to show the rest of the world what you're truly made of eh sam chan?
whimsical nonsense @ 9:19 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
hm went stomp for the first time
call me slow or whatever...
well then, first time there
i was not impressed
the whole hype about it?
seeing how many ppl go there
and post
newbies, STOMPer, junior STOMPer, senior STOMPer and super STOMPer
(note sarcasm)
wouldnt this just make bored ppl strive to reach the ultimate status?
super STOMPer!
now gotta spam
or whatever
the talkback section
just another portal for singaporeans to say all those things they've always wanted to say
i dont mean the questions
ok most of the questions are quite stupid, especially the i confess thing
but some are actually real questions i guess
somehow can tell if one really wants to know the answer to that question
and then just ask in stomp, since lots of ppl go there...
chances are someone is bound to get the answer
and then lots of answers/replies come out
and slowly it digresses...
so yeah the first few answers, replies, erm ok? i guess its normal answers
and thats when you see all the ppl start to post nonsense
rmb reading about this person asking whether listening to music is a distraction or encoruagement while jogging
firstly, is this a real question?
its more of like personal preference, isnt it?
even if its not, some factual thing. then check it up on the internet
the internet links the whole world
stomp links mainly singaporeans
wanna get answers? going ot stomp cuz there are lots of viewers there?
try rest of the world.
go ahead.
so then, would there really be a need to ask this kind of question?
and what? what the ppl say there really affects whether you're going to listen to music?
if you really wanna listen to music, go.
if you dont, dont.
not sure? then just make a choice! try both? see which one you like?
if you're talking about whether it has benefits, like say will it help one to become fitter? lose weight more cuz it makes you run more?
either go check it up on the internet or books. go research if you really wanna know
if not, what works for others might not necessarily work for you.
so just go try both and see whether it helps you run more
and the replies...
some are like o helps motivate me, make me wanna finish it and what not
ok maybe, maybe not. i havent tried listening to music while running
and im not interested in trying.
but some of those are like, blast it!
yeah blast the music, then it blocks out your panting and stuff...and you'll even forget you're tired
some of them just casually mentioned blasting
you run to look to good, be fitter. basically make your body nicer right?
like taking care of your body?
lets say they're running to take care of their body, so that their arteries dont get clogged or whatever.
taking care of your body eh?
making your heart stronger, good.
killing your ears. bad.
hm...makes me think
do these ppl, who plugged their earphones into their ipods, mp3s and stuff it into their ears,
to run.
do they do it cuz everyone else seems to be doing it?
i was telling tim toh about this...
like what? wanna show off arh?
ooo i have an mp3, and im flaunting it while running
its an ipod!
that "sleek creative killer"
(haha quote from this fren of mine i shall not name)
and it seems like they just do it for what? motivation?
if you're motivated enough you dont need music
its just that, o since can listen to music? why not?
can run and listen to the songs i love, great! thats good right?
and the songs we listen to are like techno and what not, with the beat!
then i can follow the beat, play fast songs i run fast, play slow slongs i run slower (as in the pace)
it seems more like some excuse to have songs. wanna run fast, just run fast. wanna run slow, run slower.
dun be stupid right? say need music, if not what? dunno how to run is it?
o dear! my ipod batt is flat, and forgot to charge. o well, maybe should try running without music for the first time in 3458945798 years
and then stand there...cannot run.
i dunno whether run fast or not, no music!
thats just plain stupid.
well but whatever is psoted above is of my opinion
which clearly is against listening to music while running.
at least i have my opinion.
and somehow i dont think stomp is a way to voicing opinion
not really.
more like voicing out things that would get you attention
forgive me for any offense made
but it seems like the posters at stomp are like all the ah bengs and ah lians crying out for attention
or even if not ah bengs or ah lians, just some attention-seekers.
stomp? this cool place?
i beg to differ.
whats up with this world?

whimsical nonsense @ 12:38 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
hm i wonder, how many like forms of philosophy thingy there are
those like existentialism...
its been rather weird...
that in pod classes
(for the benefit of those who doesnt know what pod means, it stands for
Philosophy of Disciplines)
i think...haha i dunno.
i was one of the most skeptical ppl of pod...
and i must admit that during the lectures by *insert the teacher's name here, but i shall not mention* i fell asleep
haix i always fall asleep during lectures, can hardly recall any lectures of any form in which i dont sleep...
so didnt really get much out of it
and then all the lessons...
frankly i didnt see the use of studying socrates, aristotle and what not
it didnt make sense to me
(not that i didnt understand it, i just failed to see the relevance to today's life or see any possible application)
but i guess after doing my reflections, and stuff, things took a turn
yet its not really what we're studying that interest me
go try reading up on socrates, aritstotle, plato, and what? this french guy...and this other guy
cant rmb names
its stupid!
as in like philosophy...studying philosophers shouldnt really be what its about, should it?
change the syllabus!
they're making philosophy such a bore
when it could be so much more
(whoa it rhymes, how cool)
the different philosophies, the things concerning life
discussing that is certainly much more interesting
(somehow i dont really mean tabula rasa, if thats how you spell it)
and i dont believe in tabula rasa
and my pod teacher knows it
how interesting.
something with many faces
at different angles
and how to tackle it?
study the questions only? as this Russell guy says?
is philosophy about the questions?
or is it the answers to the questions?
aiyah ive nothing to say.
i was blogging bout sch stuff!!!!
its after exams..sch should be out of my mind by now!
o well.
guess im some sort of nerd.
whimsical nonsense @ 11:44 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
a lot a lot of papers down
1 more.
add math paper 2
the horror.
i came upon this really cool thing...
WOODY ALLEN: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?
GIRL IN MUSEUM: Yes it is.
WOODY ALLEN: What does it say to you?
GIRL IN MUSEUM: It restates the negativeness of the universe, the hideous lonely emptiness of existence, nothingness, the predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity, like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void, with nothing but waste, horror, and degradation, forming a useless bleak straightjacket in a black absurd cosmos.
WOODY ALLEN: What are you doing Saturday night?
GIRL IN MUSEUM: Committing suicide.
WOODY ALLEN: What about Friday night?
GIRL IN MUSEUM: [leaves silently]
"Play It Again, Sam", Paramount Pictures, 1972
its really quite amusing
and maybe thought provoking too...
and btw i was searching for existentialism...
never really knew what that word meant..
checked it up and ooo
it seems like such an interesting thing to read up on...
something to study into probably?
the origins and the ways of thinking of men
some ask what is the meaning of life
others ask what is life itself
and yet others go on and say these questions all mean nothing
for instead one should ask
what should i do with my life
life has no pre-determined purpose or meaning
it is all up to you to grab hold of your own life
control it, be your own master, control fate
and then i was thinking, as i typed that
controlling fate.
for that to happen, fate, has to exist, no?
if fate exists...
well first look at the meaning of fate
from http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/fate.html
the first meaning...
the force predetermining events
now then...this force, that predetermine events
has to be a pretty powerful force, logically speaking
because it has the power to predetermine things
this power, which goes beyond any typical human ability (should one even want to acknowledge the power of predicting the future from those who claim they can)
to think about it, would a typical human being being able to control something that goes beyond his ability?
for certainly flying on our own, without any additional parts added unto us, and with only natural elements
(it does not count making some wings from twigs and leaves, doubt it'll work though)
well yeah, so its quite widely acknowledge that we, men (or women for those ladies out there reading this) cant fly
good good. ok.
so how does one then control flying when he (she) himself (herself) is not able to fly?
and again, how does one control his own life
control fate, when fate is something that is beyond us
not within our realm of knowledge or controlling
for even psychics and those who are allegedly able to see into the future
what they are doing is merely seeing what is going to happen
probably reading fate if one has to put it in terms of fate
(which reminds me of math...simplify this equation, making it in terms of x)
these "gifted" people, if they can be called that, are not even manipulating fate
they fail to manipulate fate, how much more can they control fate?
but then again, most probably in the world of an existentialist
fate is something that does not exist
there is no such thing as fate, and destiny is never pre-determined
ok side track a bit, is one able to say destiny is pre-determined
but by free-will? does it mean the same as not pre-determined?pre-destined?
and i was also wondering, if fate goes under existentialist
is fate able to control its own fate?
or does fate (taking it to be more tangible) even have its own fate? its destiny
going back into the more common philosophical thinking
the one that questions our purpose, meaning of life
if fate does exist, what then is its purpose?
is it meant to control our lives?
and if fate is able to control our lives, what has given it this power to do so?
how does it control our life?
the choices we make everyday
are our choices
we choose whether we want to go on the computer
or to watch television isntead
we choose if we should adopt an existentialist view
or if we should just stick to being a believer in fate and pre-determined destiny
fate versus choices
pre-determination versus free will
but does all 4 of them even exist?
whimsical nonsense @ 5:38 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
hm like few days back, life! was talking about how women, especially those in hollywood were becoming thinner and thinner, due to pressure to look good.
is it just me or is like testosterone doing something to men's brains
they're starting to like sticks!
i always thought they were more of like fans of the *ahem ahem* well endowed *ahem*
but o well...
if bamboo shoots are the way to go now, guess i'll have to follow that
ooo lloyd's house has bamboo shoots..shall go survey for a potential girlfriend there...
im bored.
now the haze makes everything look blurry...
its like when i look out, i wonder, is it my specs or what?
and i realise its not.
its so irritating...to always look out and have blurred vision
i wish the eoys would end now.
like no more!
then i can go relax and do what i want
on a random note
i had a few dreams last night
like i think the first time i could rmb so many dreams
and the first and probably like biggest was a somewhat nightmare
er no offence to those involved...
so it goes something like i was in sch...
first day of sch for next year..sec4
the only thing is..instead of being n acsi...
i was like in the class of
*gasp* RI
and so i was a new student
in a class of rafflesians
as usual the teacher would intro the new student (which is me)
and at that point of time i felt utterly weird
looking at the white board behind the teacher
it was filled with trigo stuff
sin x and cos and tan etc
and then there were like these other rafflesian ppl around me
but ok la..they werent like o from acsi...
and that kind of thing
wait. did the teacher say i was from acsi? dunno
but quite weird la
and then like the guy in front of me was talking to me the most..
or say most friendly la
then suddenly so weird..got this st margs girl come in
like wth?
and cant rmb what she did la..quite weird though
and then somehow i looked down at my shirt
to see whether or not i was a prefect
ooo much to my surprise
i had no badge on
(ooo relief...lol)
and then cant really rmb
but i started to think like being a rafflesian
how awkward it would be
cheering for raffles, instead of acs
even more awkward when i would be cheering for raffles against acs
and i started to wonder about debate
would i be able to make the debate team
when they had like anish and marvin and all
and i started to think of bb
how was ri's bb? was it like 12thI?
and somehow i had to go see this teacher...
*im gonna censore the rest cuz it just doesnt seem appropriate*
and i could rmb one more dream
quite sure there was at least one more..but o well
i went for exams...
and somehow chinese and geog were on the same day
(thankfully its not in reality)
and omg i realised i didnt study
like i didnt learn the chengyus that i wanted to learn for chinese
and then i became quite scared...
like zuo wen and stuff...like how?
and then i also didnt study for geog...
and i became really scared...
i hope those 2 stay as dreams
but seriously the first one...i doubt it'll ever happen
me going to ri?
please i dont have the brains to make it there
and being in ri is seriously too weird for me
i love acsi too much to go there
at least minimally spend 4 years in acsi
o well
weird deviations of reality.
like me!
whimsical nonsense @ 11:39 PM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country