Saturday, December 31, 2005
its the 31 dec...2005
in just a few would be 2006..
the start of a whole new year...
a year full of first times...
such as being a prefect...being a sec3...
o well...i shall be wuliao and start looking back at 2005...
2005...a great year...
probably one of my better ones if not my best...haha
firstly in sch terms...academically...
i certainly did much better than i ever did...if u dun count p1-p3...
where like i didnt study yet could get all band 1s..though got 80+ cuz i dun study..haha
so yeah...i dun usually get very gd grades after going to gep...
in pri sch was like always one of the not so gd ones...
but in sec sch became a different story...
so in sec1...8th in class...
something i would never dream of...
and its not a stupid class...there are gd ppl..though of course not the best la
now in sec2...
when ive started to study...a bit more than in sec1 which was a bit...
i started to realise that i had quite a bit of potential in me..haha
in term 1 topped the class really unexpectedly...
term 2 3rd...
term 3 i think 3rd...
term 4...juz more stamina and so mayb like out of top 10 out of a class size of 22
but the whole year...i was 4th in class...
quite disappointed la..after being 3rd for most of the year...only to drop out at the last bit...
but im still happy overall!
so yeah...and i did well in most subjects...
except life science and math...haix
but o well...
in terms of cca now...
in the jgs team 2...won jgs...
youth14 team...semi finals
in the hci team...second
meth cup team 1...well...i dunno but won 2 lost 1 in an unjustified manner...ranked 8th
i would say that it is indeed a gd year for me in db8
so far in every competition ive taken part in ive taken something back...
jgs trophy...y14 trophy...hci trophy and meth cup medal for ranking...
although i didnt really deserve jgs and hci i think...
reserve only and a reserve can only help that much...
but at least i have the experience...and a learning experience it was...
y14 and meth cup...crawshaw and lloyd...
such great teammates...
whom without most probably we wouldnt have done quite well...
and yeah...i think i have improved quite a bit...
though wouldve prefer it if i had improved more...but im ok with it la
i dunno wat to say...but bb is fun...
and well...wont say much...quite sensitive...
but its been a gd year in bb...
bonding with the cohort...with my seniors...
learning more stuff...
juz really gd...
in terms of others
aiyah...dunno wat to say la...
juz this year has been great!
made new lis jaz dan rachel zhixin tzekai marvin chris from db8
and then a lot from acsi la! like new class and new classmates all that...
and also from like those prefect camps ive been to...though its not a lot since im new...
*** *** ***
one year has gone past so fast...
juz one year ago...
my feelings were really different...
didnt noe wat to expect in sec2...and all those
i still feel the same...but things have changed...
becoming a prefect...becoming sec3...having more responsibilities
and about somethings...
not sure if that personal something is gd or bad...
but i think its for the better...
one year has gone past just so fast...
one year ago i wouldnt noe my aunty...dan...jaz...
nor marvin tzekai or chris...
at least not like personally? haha...
one year ago i was juz a sec1...the freshman...
going on to sec2...and now im sec2 going on to sec3...
the year where cca would really start to take a lot out of one...i think
a year ago...i was quite noob...
i didnt noe much...
now i noe more...but not sure if thats really a gd thing...haha
and year ago i was still quite immature in some things
now ive learnt more...from own experience mainly...
and sometimes...that kind of experience hurts...
last time i used to b quite...sad case...
now im still sad case...but i believe not so sad case...
but in another sense im worse...really bad...but its too personal to share about...
so 1 year zoom past...
last year i thought of having juniors for the first time...
and that seems like just yesterday...
now im going to have like more junior and already have the exprience of having juniors
and juniors are really nice to have..haha
great juniors i have!
also a year ago...i hardly knew my seniors...
paul chus year...but now i daresay i feel closer to them...
theyre more like frens rather than seniors...unlike a year ago
time changes so pains...
and yet it passes by so fast that one hardly feel it...
like in a blink of an eye...everything is no longer wat it used to b...
or wat one thought is...
wat is has become wat was...and wat will be becomes wat is...
i hope that the next year...2006
will b one that is better than 2005...
right now...i commit 2006 to the Lord...
may wadever happen be in accordance to His will
may 2006 belong to the Lord!
whimsical nonsense @ 11:33 PM
Monday, December 26, 2005
i carried a baby for the first time!
he was very very cute! =)
whimsical nonsense @ 10:40 PM
Sunday, December 25, 2005
its soo late for this...
but who cares...
or a belated one...lolx
enjoy wats left of the hols...
and more significantly the year 2005!
time moves fast...sometimes too fast...
such that we barely noe its past us...
let us learn to treasure wat we have now...
and not dwell on the past but look to the future...
yet nonetheless...reflection upon the year...
another year of your life completed...a part of Gods plan fulfilled...
feel sad for the end of the hols...but on the other hand...
rejoice and be glad! for the Lord has brought you thus far...
with ups and a roller coaster...u noe he has been next to you...
and you can be sure he will stay by ur side for the rest of time...
and christmas! a day used to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ...
indeed a time for joy...salvation has come...
hard to imagine the King of Kings would come down to this sinful world...
to reside among his own who rejected him in the beginning...
in such a humble state...he came...but yet he was risen to the highest honour...
he sat and still sits at the right hand of God!
Jesus Christ was born!
to save mankind...
to save me! and you!
indeed...a time to celebrate...
whee! =)
whimsical nonsense @ 11:42 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
o well...i guess i shall not blog bout wat happened at cheams house...
its not that its like obscene or something...
its juz that firstly not much time so blogging bout it now seems really late
and therefore not much point...
secondly...ah well...wont say the second point in case im wrong...
o well...
no time to blog at all...
juz that eve
has been like a roller coaster ride...
full of ups and downs...
and it had to go until a very down note...
which made today feel really depressing...
at least i feel better now...lolx
doing homework helped
took my mind off wadever made me depressed...
o well...u will never noe wat made me depressed...
too personal la...
merry christmas! =)
whimsical nonsense @ 5:17 PM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
ah no!
today was a good day...but got its...not so gd moments
such as piano lessons...but other than that...
like this afternoon..went nuh...
for supposedly operation/surgery...
minor one...not like those cut open your with ur innards for a while...then sew u back...
more like those...30 to 45 mins one...
and they inject u with local anaesthesia...
which only numbs the ur still awake...
so...i received 4 injections...
2 in my mouth...2 near my eyes...
like they open my mouth..lift up my upper lip...then dunno wait for wat...
then inject...wah pain!
thats the first didnt really noe wat to expect...
of course i expect pain la...but aiyah..hard to say
juz like...dunno..but was duh scared during whole thing la...
like...shaking uncontrollably...
which is wat happens when im nervous...before db8s where im not so confident...
and like in this case...and then im like...shaking...for a few secs...
before i try to calm myself by breathing slowly...or slower...
then the docter was like...are you ok?
then after a while he ask his assistant/nurse to put a blanket...
which made me feel a bit better...but i still shook...
its natural man! how to stop?
so he inject first 3 more...
the next one...1 of the more painful ones...
above my left eye!
like how scary la...later hit ur eyeball then how?
all the juices start to spray out and then ur eyeball become a wat?
deflated those no-air beach ball...
eeyer..then dowan!
so yeah...that injection was pain!
pain like wat inject ur skin...
then go in some into your head!
though i dunno go up or down towards the eye...
i think up la..if not my eyeball wont b here already...
i was like...ah...ah...*those saliva ssss...*
then finally take out...wah! finally man...
so sick la!
then like they finish all 4 injections...
use some sharp thingy..i think a check if the area is numb..
this area being the one above my eyes until my eyebrow and the cheeks...
but not fully la...some parts can feel a bit of the needle...
so ok...time for the laser!
then can hear the machine being switched on...
then like after a while..can smell something burning..
like the smell when u burn an insect using those electric thingy...
and i noe that that guy is burning my warts with the laser!
and occasionally..ok..quite often can feel the laser...
like tingling sensation..ant bite thingy...quite pain...but bearable...
and then finish!
but not before i can feel lots of pain...and i start to shake a lot...
cuz i was very very scared...
whoever is not scared i like take off my hat to him/her...
and the hat of the person next to him and so on...
and then after operation...
go to this leaders place nearby...
this leader from su camp...sister deniece...
then barbeque...very hdb...its really is nice too...
and then played some games...
no time to elaborate much....but it was fun...really...
btw...the whole post wasnt typed on the 20...
cuz the second half is typed now...23rd...6.25pm...
shall blog bout wednesday and possibly thursday another day...
o and today too...lolx
2 days to christmas
whimsical nonsense @ 10:53 PM
Sunday, December 18, 2005
a conversation between sam chan (me) *sc*
and sam chan:psychiatrist(me too!) *sc;p*
that psychiatrist part..its like i dunno..some kind of fantasy?
do forgive for the spelling/grammatical errors...
btw...those ****s are words that i couldnt read...
i wrote this blog post on the night of last friday...handwritten...
and my writing is sometimes to small and messy...lolx
sc;p : so whats your problem?
sc : dunno, its just that of late, i feel very a negative manner
sc;p : hm? go on...
sc : you know like wishful thinking? i feel that this thinking would only make the end more painful then it already is..and i really want to stop it, just that sometimes, i cant help it!
sc;p : ok, do you feel suicidal?
sc : (taken aback) what?! no, at least not yet =p
sc;p : sorry, had to ask my favourite psychiatrist question...but do go on...
sc : this matter is really small ***, do you really want me to continue?
sc;p : it cant be small to you since youa re here. yes, go on
sc :oh. its like those kind of stupid things, that make you feel so helpless or not really helpless, just...haix, those things you cant really stop, a crush, it sux! why cant i ever be like free for long?
sc;p : i dunno, mayb you are those kind of ppl *sniggers*
sc : o pls, no. just im geetting confused, firstly, wats a crush? and whyis it there? is it meant to be like just forever 1 way?
sc;p : many questions, no answers, thats why they all see me, haix
sc : no, not really expecting you to answer, but we're disgressing, lets get back to the problem
sc;p : ok go on, im all ears...
sc : like of late, very disillusioned or illusioned or wadever, just that one part of my mind seems to be fighting. one the seemingly more realistic one, where it says theres no hope, as much as i like to have so much hope, really, do you think it will work out? but then, there is the other side, that thinks in those wild ways, interpreting things in the way i would like it, trying to convince me that heys! it can work out after all! but im then reminded of reality, and i really wonder, wat them is reality? and i feel half convinced by all those interpretations, which the reality side tells me its just wat ppl call wishful thinking...wat do you think? do u think im making a mountain out of a molehill?
sc;p : well, i dunno, cuz technically im you...but i think its quite natural for that wishful thinking, because like its only natural for your mind to try to make things go your way, and then that reality side would be a part of you that has gone thru this and sharing past experiences and like how all this would only make the truth more painful, so if possible, try to keep a balance, cuz it might be true how you interprete things but prepare yourself mentally for the more like thing, the painful truth...
sc : now that doesnt sound very nice...but i guess youre right...
sc;p : does that clear your doubts? is there anything you need help with?
sc : let me see...again on the same topic, do you think that it is gd to have crushes?
sc;p : well now, wat do you think?
sc : well, right now, they seem very kind of like, stupid and childish and all, but then again, i dun think i have ever grasped that concep or idea of a crush...
sc;p : ah...i see, since im you, yeah, i think the same way too... :p
sc : heys! youre me, but still meant to think as a 3rd person kind kaes!
sc;p : fine fine, humph! trying to make sure im paid to do my job properly eh? i think crushes are neither good nor bad. its really how you take it and hwo you handle it. if you take these crushes like really seriously, such that you become quite obsessed with your crush, its not gd. you have a job, in ur case, to study hard, pay attention in class, if you take your crush too seriously and start your ultimate wishful thinking, 1 + 1 will be more like "you + her = ??" or that sort of thing, see wat i mean? also, the handling got to handle it properly, either that or ****** become something you regret later, (rmb the last time? i noe you cuz i am you! ) least that is wat i think, but ultimately, i say juz dun try to think of such things too much kaes? though i think a bit is needed, just not too much..then yeah...
sc : i see..ok sorry, but since on this topic, lemme ask another question...
sc;p : go ahead...
sc : how do you noe whether like something is a crush or not? like youre not sure whether you have a crush on this person...
sc;p : again, i beseech you to try not to think too much, now that is a good question my fren...
sc : so?
sc;p : well, let me ask you back? you like this person, so wat? u dun have a crush on this person, so wat? does it really make a diff? though i noe it will
sc : yeah, i think it does. i try not to like her (its a her btw, incase u think im gay...)
sc;p : o pls, im you! would i think im gay?! ...but do pls continue... :p
sc : right...nways, i try not to like her, but its quite difficult to fight yourself...all those internal conflicts...but then again, im still not sure whether i even like her in the first place, and whether im subconsciously making myself like her, although it sounds really understand?
sc;p : duh! im you, but do pls expalin...
sc : like that wishful thinking part is making it froma though my mind flirt with occasionally to become like a half-crush, as in not sure whether its a crush or not, and now its like trying ot make it a crush..and its cuz of the part of my mind that interprets things to make it like wat i want..which in turn helps make it become a crush...haix
sc;p : ah! much clearer, though how much im not sure...well, my thinking or bad advice is just let things take their natural course...and then see wat happens...
sc : but then i really wan to be free! you noe like crushless?
sc;p : i noe, but you see, sometimes u cant really stop these kind of things, and as ive said before, dun think too much bout it..but then again if it becomes a would make ut hink more bout her...and then contradicts wat im saying...haix...i dunno...lemme think, nways, wat do u think u shud do? or at leat wat u feel u shud do?
sc : well now, i think that i shud aks someone else, like no offense to you, but i need another opinion, i mean like, youre me!
sc;p : no offense taken, i understand and agree fully. go on
sc : also, i feel that i shud like "kill" it before it grows to a crush, while it is still a half crush, so that it doesnt become another crush which from experience, most if not all are just quite pointless...yes, its pointless to have another crush, so best is to "kill" it...
sc;p : well, i think that before you do smoething or anything for that matter, firstly, wait until you can talk to that person ( i noe who...*winks*) and then see wat he/she says, then see how...
sc : yeah, i think so too...but then again, im im starting to think, shud i share such personal stuff with someone?
sc;p : wah! you are blogging this wat... -.-
sc : yeah, but as in more detail to that person, cuz on one hand i noe that i can trust this person, like i trust him/her a lot...and im comfortable with sharing such things with him/her...
sc;p : then wat is the problem here then?
sc : im starting to think if mayb for the past few years or always, i have been very open, like i dun really keep such stuff in me, and will most likely tell someone...and then i start to hink, and not only from this but from wat someone else said, cant rmb who and whether it was meant for me...but if im like that, am i a gd keeper of secrets...i used to think i am, and i still do...but occasionally, i have doubts bout this..and sometimes it leads me to think, m i a gd fren then?
sc;p : lots of problems and thinking here i see...well then, mayb u shud first stop thinking so negatively, and to clear these doubts, go ask your frens, and regardless of whether they think youare a good/not bad or abad fren...rmb, believe in yourself, if not this would only make you a worse fren...irritating your frens with your insecurities etc
sc : ah...i see, shall try to rmb that, now i think shud go...thanx for being willing to listen doc! (:
sc;p : no prob, feel free to approach me anytime! :D
whimsical nonsense @ 12:10 PM
Friday, December 16, 2005
yesterday went christmas shopping at ps!
and i managed to get stuff...
wont say wat though...
but those who went with me noe...
but only bought for 4 ppl...
still got a lot more...
but i think my budget will b like stretched...
but i'll feel bad dropping ppl...
haix... is like...
but somehow its not...
all cheery...somethings missing...
i believe...
nways...havent touched the com for
whole of wednesday and thursday!
quite long for me...lolx
wednesday was like out...
though i could...juz..too lazy...go on for like 1 hour...not much use...
watch tv more fun...=)
wednesday was cool...
went malaysia with my mom...and 2 sisters...
*sry daniel yee...*
like went shopping...haha lunch...
then like roam around...look for clothes...
and my sisters were looking at sandals/shoes...
u noe those like feminine kind of sandal shoes?
but o happy with wat i got...
1 baleno shirt...
its like black..and the print is in...
PINK!!!!! looks gd..contrast and wadever...
not at all feminine..i think..juz the pink part...
but its cool kaes...though i wonder...
would it b better if i chose the white one with light blue print...
then one more white shirt...with the words
"less laws more fun - diesel"..
hm..that was very very
dunno...malaysia currency rate is too weird...
like...for 100sing...u get 224 that how u spell it?
so too lazy to calculate...
but then math was never really gd...
so in short...forget it
and then i bought a pair of jeans!
but my elder sis bought 3 pairs! 1 of which is to b shared with my younger sis...
its like quite ex though...199 ringgit...
but its like much cheaper that in spore...where its like 100++ bux...
o well...quite duh wat brand...wont say
overall im happy!
gd lunch..and after the shopping went coffee bean to rest for a while
the ice blended coffee rox man!...wanna go there more often...
in spore of course...
im happy!
got jeans..which is like the reason i go...
i get another black shirt...
and it has pink on it! it looks really cool la!
and another shirt..haha...
but gotta wait till new year...chinese new year i guess...
go my grandfathers place...hopefully as per normal...
eat lunch there...and see my cousins...on my moms side...
which is only like 4...2 from my moms elder brother...2 from the younger brother..
whom i hardly see...
but at least going to see them next week!
yesterday was a cool day...i think
firstly...last db8 trng of the year...=(
ok..that sounded weird...the "firstly...last..."
lolx...wonder if yk would have that "-.-" if she saw it...
ijtp came over to spar...
cheams year sparred...
and i was like..juz not doing a lot of productive work...
then adwyn...lloyd...edmond went plaza sing
for supposedly christmas shopping...
first...lunch...wah! like everywhere crowded...
kfc...burger court...
and like edmond was like...heys! cafe cartel...
but adwyn and i were like...NO! so ex...
though adwyn can afford...
his budget for christmas shopping is like...300 bux!
and its for 10 ppl...though the 30bux is the max...
but after talking to lloyd and i...
i think we made him realise that he missed some ppl i wonder if he will add more ppl to his list..
so adwyn and lloyd went mos and buy take away..
edmond and me went macs...and sat outside...
lazy me got edmond to buy for me...
haha..i always get ppl to buy food for me...from macs that is...
my lunch...5.70...i let edmond keep the 30cents change..i think
2 bux...mcchicken...2 bux double cheese burger...1.70 sprite...
how cool...2 burgers..haha
i love the pickles in the cheeseburgers...haha
then go around looking for gifts...
i found some for 4 ppl...
adwyn found for 2...
edmond got some cards...
then go home so early 2.45 adwyn and lloyd say tired...
i shud b tired la...
my bag had the chem textbook...maths textbook and advance math textbook
cuz i bought them yesterday while in sch...
then go home...sleep...a lot i think...
then eat dinner..then watch a bit of lotr two towers...for fun
then watch king kong...though my mom and younger sis didnt go...
not interested...
cool show...
but a bit scary..the natives bit...
seemed a bit demonic/satanic to me...
the last part a bit sad...
wadever happened to respect?
i really wonder...
then reach home...and wadever la..
then noticed the moon..round and bright
so i lie down on the an awkward position
cuz the floor not very big...
only one small area that has the moonlight on it...
and being me...i placed my head there...
so when i look up..i see the moon...shining in all its beauty...
not as bright as the sun...but yet its so gentle...
so cool la...
almost fell asleep there...
wish i could juz lie there...
with a fren beside me...
someone like..............
being so carefree...
late at night..say around 1am...
not much activity...
if possible juz outside the back...on this grassy area...
lying down...looking up at the sky...
the sky...illuminated by the moon...
the "dunes" among the clouds...
nth like ive seen before...
of course there are other as beautiful things ive seen before
but none like that of the that kind of setting...
the wonder of God's creation...the work of his own hands...
the camera couldnt capture it properly...haix...
but its bout the best i could do...
*the moon was brighter..lighted the sky..but haix...
the camera/lens can never see wat the human eye can...*


whimsical nonsense @ 6:45 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
the hols are gone sooo fast...
like really really fast...
and christmas is juz next week!
need to go christmas shopping..i think
for prezzies at least...
1st time for me!...
haha...dunno wat to get la...
but i think i'll get something for myself..haha
my christmas and birthday present...
rolled into cool...
my birthday is 13 days after christmas...
eeyer...13..lucky or not?
but at least its like the 1st saturday of 2006...
how cool...haha
and its not on a sch day!
aiyah..dun think soo far...
think of starting chinese homework soon...nooo
haix...wats wrong with this world?
wats wrong with humans? mankind?
me included...
its juz...this beautiful world...
which God created....
can b ruined to such an extent...
that ppl start to hate each other...
the devil sucks...
but its not only his fault...
its our fault...becuz we are juz sooo weak
to fall prey to his lies..and deceit
ive been caught...
in that web of his...
whimsical nonsense @ 11:07 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
new template...
my younger sis helped me to like do it...
then i edit here...edit there...
she help a bit to make sure i edit properly...
but the tagboard is still screwed..haix
guess i gotta live with it...
o well...
my nails are officially not well...
so sad...
but enough of nails...
i feel so poor...
but then again...
i must remind myself...
wat use is material wealth/gain...
when its only temporal wealth...
as jim elliot...a missionary who died
while in ecuador...
trying to spread the good news to the natives...
he said...
"he is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep,
to gain what he cannot lose"
one of the most meaningful quotes...
but its hard to stay that way...
when this world seems so corrupt...
seems to treasure earthly stuff...
and it seems like everyone has some mp3...
ipods...or nanos...
many their rooms...etc
it seems so cool...
that i also want it...
but i know its not really needed...
its a want...
not a need...
whimsical nonsense @ 6:56 PM
Sunday, December 11, 2005
o dear!
im not sure if ive said it...
but my nails are ruined!
they dun look as pretty as
haix...they're still coming out anyway...
now need to find someone
to borrow nail polish remover...
da camp was fun...
but i didnt go tampines
like at the other side of the island...
and i doubt could have rushed from church to tampines..
would have been cool to see the exhibition db8 though...
whimsical nonsense @ 11:17 PM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
pink nails!
haix..falling sick...
runny nose...and all
and like so many activities...
today..db8 trng..then lunch at westmall..
then go kap...bum around..
like walk around some expensive houses...
like one round...
then met cheam at la...
juz sit around..until beu came..then prepped
and like cheam had to leave later at 5...
then juz prep lor...
and will not say wat happened...
but went home quite late...7.45...
then aiyah...
busy day...
and tmr..da camp..another long day..saturday too...
whimsical nonsense @ 10:40 PM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
back from youth camp!
scripture union youth camp...
not my church is very small...
hard to have youth camps...
scripture union youth camp 2005 its all about you!
it was a fun camp...
different experiences from last year...
except that i had asriel in my group...
like last year!
wont say much...dun really wanna say
except that again...ive been a failure
at making frens..haix
the camp was good...
backsliding like quite a lot...
and then the camp brought me back to God
although i wont say its like...
as life changing as last year...
mayb cuz last year was the first time...
it still is a good camp...
had great times...wonderful fellowship...i hope
nways..i like my nails
whimsical nonsense @ 10:05 PM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
going for a camp tmr...
not very gd timing...wont elaborate
coming back on wednesday...i think
i got 2 cds yesterday...
altogether bout 38 bux...
and they're like really old cds la
1 year old lor...
just goes to show how poor i am...
needing to save up for 1 year...
its kelly clarksons breakaway...
i noe i could juz get someone to send me whole album
or burn...but nah...
dun wanna pirate this that how u spell it?
and the other is avril lavignes under my skin
see!...both so old right?
mayb cuz i like bought natasha beddingfields unwritten...
then lucie silvas breathe previously..few months ago
so delayed me/me being able to buy...
haix...eng is really bad...
o well..busy week ahead...
btw..congrats to acdb8...
on getting 2nd in vjcs...
congrats to ri...
good debate...
thanx to scgs...for a rather interesting db8...
though i felt u all shud have won...
whimsical nonsense @ 10:49 PM
Friday, December 02, 2005
for the last time!
i dun like anyone!
wats wrong with being crushless?
but on a happier note...
i cooked my own lunch yesterday
juz boiled the spaghetti...its nth much
but heys...first time...
mayb one day shud try cooking porridge
did that like years ago...
still can cool
haha...can b a bachelor and still survive
and yay!
i got a black long sleeve shirt...yesterday
though it doesnt seem very black
but it looks black...a bit
mayb dark blue?
aiyah..never first long sleeve shirt
other than the white one my father gave me
cuz he doesnt wear it and i always do
for db8 competitions...
and i got long too
more proper dun need to always wear BB pants..
its like super long la
but the smaller size ones r like too tight FAT
o well...
tmr is gonna b a bz day...hopefully
still not sure if can go vjcs...
juz hope can...
juz hope im bz...lolx
juz hope the team does well
go acdb8! =)
fat sam
whimsical nonsense @ 10:06 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
whee! ripped this off adwyns blog..who ripped it of sheu zhis blog..however u spell it...
1. Name: sam chan
2. Single or Taken: single. DUHH
3. Sex: still a virgin, or male
4. Birthday: 7 jan 1991
5. Siblings: elder and younger sis, 1 each
6. Hair Colour: black
7. Eye Colour: brown, very dark brown
8. Shoe Size: US 9, i think
9. Height: very 167cm
10. Any tattoos or piercings?: nah, no way
S p e c i f i c s
1. Do you do drugs?: does panadol count?
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: dunno
3. What are you most scared of?: the dark, eh nono, fear itself
4. Who is the last person that called you?: my dad
5. Where do you want to get married?: anywhere? just as long i marry officially
6. How many buddies are online right now?: very little...37
7. What would you change about yourself?: less fats?
F a v o r i t e (s)
1. Colour: black/navy blue
2. Food: century egg porridge?
3. Boys names: sam, short and sweet lolx
4. Girls names: lets not go into that...=P
5. Subjects in school?: PE!
6. Animals: bear bear?
7. Sports: soccer i guess
H a v e y o u e v e r ?
1. Given anyone a bath?: like NO?!!?
2. Smoked?: ah! im on fire! nah...
3. Bungee jumped?: i wish...
4. Made yourself throw up?: siao. dun noe how, dun wanna noe
5. Skinny dipped?: o..of course..everytime..yeah right
6. Ever been in love?: not sure...
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: hang on, lemme get my eye drop...
8. Eaten a lemon in its entirety?: nopes, the skin can eat meh?
9. Run away from home?: for wat?
10. Cried when someone died?: movies only though...
11. Lied?: no i havent (now thats! a lie)
12. Fallen for your best friend?: if i was a gal, mayb..but im no
13. Been rejected?: i think so
14. Rejected someone?: no one to reject...haix
15. Used someone?: to do wat?
16. Done something you regret?: like duh
C u r r e n t
Clothes: blue shirt and dark shorts
Music: behind these hazel eyes - kelly clarkson
Make-up: muz rmb to get more of that powdering kit thingy next time...
Annoyance: dunno
Smell: none...that i can detect...
Favourite Group: my frens?
Desktop Picture: some harry potter pic..i think..with cedric and cho
Book you're reading: not a book kinda guy
Colour of Toenails: none...i guess
L a s t p e r s o n
You touched: me?
Hugged: cant rmb...but i wish its...nvm
You instant messaged: adwyn
You yelled at: cant rmb
You kissed: cant rmb
A r e y o u?
Open-minded: guess so...or maaybe not...
Arrogant: sometimes
Insecure: like quite a lot...
Random: are you gay? does chicken make me fat?
Hungry: nopes, ate lunch bout 5 hours a lot!
Moody: im a i guess no..
Organized: hardly
Difficult: m i difficult?! ask someone else lah
Attractive: duh NO!
In the morning I am: depends on which day and which time of the morning...
Love is: evol spelled backwards? close to evil dun u think? but is a great feeling *i think* but leaves everyone feeling sucky at the end...human love of course...not Godly love..
I dream about: cannot rmb...and even so..not telling u! =P
O p p o s i t e s e x
What do you notice first: face
Makes you laugh the most: my frens?
Makes you smile: seeing the gal i like? but im crushless at the moment..whee!
D o y o u e v e r
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: no..not yet at least
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: hm...
Wish you were younger: haha...wish so young for wat?
Cried because someone said something to you?: no la!
N u m b e rOf times I
have had my heart broken: My heart can't possibly break When it wasn't even whole to start with - kelly clarksons Becase of you
Of hearts I have broken: never had the opportunity...
Of guys I've kissed: 3000! im gay! lalala, you wish man!
Of girls I've kissed: far...
Of continents I have lived in: 1?
F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1. Do you like filling these out?: no comments
2. Gold or silver?: silver seems classier...
3. What was the last movie you watched?: zathura
4. Favourite cartoon/anime?: dun watch anime..much...or cartoons...spongebob? haha
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothing..didnt eat until lunch..
6. Who would you love being locked in a room with?: a guy who has a survival kit that can last for eternity!
7. Could you live without your computer?: dun have one to call my own...
8. Would you colour your hair?: guess not
9. Could you ever get off the computer?: like duh!
10. Habla espanol?: wat wat nol?
11. How many people are on your buddy list?: on msn..198
12. Drink Alcohol?: once..mixed with orange juice..
13. Your name spelled backwards?:
14. Where were your parents born?: hospital i think...or singapore
15. Have you ever moved?: once. or if u talking bout me almost everyone second?
16. What's your favourite place to go?: home! or out (duh! im either home or out)
17. Is your bed Single, Double, Queen or King?: single la! not rich..nor do i have anyoen to share it with...
18. What's your favourite sport to play?: dunno..i guess soccer
19. How many kids do you want?: 11! maayybe not...3?
20. Type of music you dislike most?: techno...heavy rock..wadever...
21. Colour of your school bag?: grey..and blue
22. Do you have cable?: sadly no
23. Favourite 80's song?: dunno
24. Ever prank called anybody?: i want to...
25. Ever get a parking ticket?: nopes..but speeding ticket got 4 already...har har...cant drive...
26. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: both!
27. Furthest place you have ever been?: doldrums?
28. Ever bowl a 300?: highest not sure if even above wad u think?
29. What's your favourite comic strip?: garfield? dunno..dun reach comics much..
30. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: not sure..
31. Bath or Shower?: shower
32. Best movie you've seen in the past month?: harry potter and the goblet of fire!...EMMA WATSON is sooooo pretty!
33. Favourite pizza topping?: tomato sauce! wat is pizza without the sauce?
34. Beer or ale?: gin or tonic? huh wat?
35. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: does burning them count?
36. Do you eat skin on chicken?: used fattening! cant b fatter than wat i already am...
37. Apple or orange juice?: APPLE! DEFINITELY...
38. Favourite type of chocolate bar?: dove dark chocolate...or kit kat white will do just fine...
39. Your favourite fruit?:
40. Your favourite vegetable?: is tomato a veg? but then again..i dunno...
41. Have you ever won a trophy?: yeps
42. Are you a good cook?: porridge...rice...spaghetti without the sauce...instant mee with mess tins and a portable stove...heehee
43. Do you know how to pump your own gas?: pump gas? dunno wats pass gas..ah..
44. Bought something from an infomercial?: huh?
45. Is Oprah annoying or great?: never see her before...greatly annoying?
46. Ever flex in front of a mirror?: gyms have mirrors for a reason...
47. Ever throw up in public?: nah
48. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?: some grammatical error in this statement...but i rather true love...and i rather it finds me!
49. Do you believe in love at first sight?: hey stranger! i love you! yeah right...
50. Ever call a 1-900 number?: not that i can reCALL
51. Ever been stood up for a date?: never had a date in the first place...
52. Biggest turn off of the opposite sex?: was a male but changed sex?
53. Ever been cheated on?: no girlfren before! how to be cheated on?
54. What are the names of all your pets dead and/or alive?: i dun name my fishies...
55. Can ex's be friends?: i guess so...cant used-to-be-more-than-friends be friends again?...but then again...if they broke up...aiyah! ex can b frens..full stop
whimsical nonsense @ 4:58 PM
Samuel Chan
7 January 1991
shuqun primary school
Henry Park Primary School
Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
acdb8 / bb12thcoy / acspb / ac cross country